Friday, January 28, 2011

Bead Soup Sneak Peek

A sneak peak at part of the soup ingredients I sent to Janet at Singingwoods.

This is my first time participating and I always get those jitters when I do something new...did I send enough, or maybe too much, will it arrive safe and know what I mean??



  1. OOOOOOH YES, definitely, I know exactly what you mean! I sent my beads out, today, and am pretty nervous. But your sneak peak looks great and I am really looking forward to see the rest.

  2. I definitely know what you mean... my first time as well. I'm sure what you sent will be great. Can't wait to see what you and your swap partner create!

  3. I am sure it will be perfect.
    And this photo is just absolutely gorgeous!

  4. Angie, what a wonderfull fhoto, you took of the beautifull pieces you send off-that surely makes it a sneak-peak :)-
    I`m having the same fear, when swapping, so ohh yes I know, dear.
    Have a blessed week-end-

  5. I'm sure all will be well. Everything looks great! Bead soup sounds delicious, lol... been hankering to pick up my pliers and soldering iron again. Happy beading!

  6. I was looking at Janet's blog and I think (from the sneak peek) that she is going to love what you sent her!! I'm loving following along with the Bead Soup party!
