Friday, September 21, 2012

Up up and away

Perhaps I am ready to do some traveling, first boats and now hot air balloons?!

 Vintage ornaments, wire, handmade paper baskets and bunting.  I could make a hundred of these.
 Photographing them has proved to be a challenge, I haven't had enough time to work out the things I don't like about these pictures to get to the next stage....listing them (eek).

Have a great weekend everyone.  


  1. Love! I am loving seeing all of these wonderful things! Talented woman!

  2. These are really amazingly awesome. I don't think I can find enough adjectives to describe how cool they are!!

  3. OH these are fabulous. Would look great hanging in my kitchen from the ceiling!!

  4. How very sweet they are Angie- and so small and lovely- it looks like a big work to do, -they are gorgeous,dear.

  5. these are neat. I like the pink one best.

  6. Very cute Angie, but I think a plane to Oregon would be much faster!!! Lol

    They remind me of the Count of Monte Cristo... :-)

    Happy Monday...

  7. Very cute Angie, but I think a plane to Oregon would be much faster!!! Lol

    They remind me of the Count of Monte Cristo... :-)

    Happy Monday...

  8. I have been wanting to make Holiday hot air balloons for a while and again, with a list a mile long I never get to them. These are fantastic, but I would never expect less of your talent. I have a really old version that was more mid century that my mother in law always hung from the front door at Christmas. Fun!
