...the blogging wagon that is, yeah I know it's been really inconsistent lately, such a good thing I didn't make a New Year's Resolution to blog more often..ha ha
Winter months can be hard on me mentally. It is cold here averaging about mid 20's to 30's each day, very little sun, and oh the snow..yuck. I have been very bad about spending time under the nice warm electric blanket reading and drinking tea. What I should be doing is making and blogging.. but oh the basement is SOOO cold unfortunately that is where the studio and the computer happen to be located.
Here I am with lots to share. Lets start with my dear blogging friend
Marie who sent me a package full of giveaway goodies that helped to warm my heart.

As Ms. Maria and I opened each little gift we ohhhed and ahhed. Oh the vintage goodness, the creams and browns... look at this heart with lace, ribbon, pearls, delightful rhinestone button and stamped aged tag!

This little box was hiding within a lovely stained crochet piece and an altered bottle cap.

This plaque she made is stunning..the paper, the little girl, all embellished with vintage style trims. Then speckled eggs in a basket, I've been thinking for days on the best place to put them so I can look at them all year round.

A little pad of paper with a folk art snowman had a sweet note from Marie, and finally hiding at the bottom of the box an altered journal. I remember reading on her blog about her lucky find locating these journals to alter..just darling.

Marie you totally out did yourself, always so kind and generous!! It is always a treat read your blog daily and of course, to win one of your giveaways.
But there's more to share...I joined up to participate in Bead Soup...for the first time.
I really want to try some new challenges and this will be a great one.
Lori Anderson of Pretty Things absolutely outdoes herself with this blog party where you are partnered up with another blogger ...swap a mixture of beads...make beautiful jewelry and share your work. I've been partnered up with
Janet of Singingwoods, she puts together some beautiful combinations. You can check out her blog and her shop if you have a moment.
Yes I have done more in the last two weeks but not much..worked a bit, snow days home with the kids on occasion, made a book by hand (more on that later) but mostly I'm under the blanket. I think Mr Bob is really second guessing that choice as my Christmas gift this year...
Stay warm wherever you are,